Disintegration by ..o ft. Connor OmanSónar+D Screening
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Sunday 2820:15 - 21:00
SonarScreen by Converse by Converse
In an exploration of the transient nature of beauty, the experimental sound duo ..o collaborates with visual artist Connor Oman to present a captivating audiovisual piece that intertwines the concepts of creation and destruction.

Through the delicate balance of soft guitar melodies and loud, distorted sonic artifacts, ..o probes the essence of decay and disintegration. Connor Oman complements this auditory experience with experimental and microscopic visuals that illustrate the disintegration and reformation of objects, seamlessly integrating with the audio to form a real-time interactive spectacle.


The organic and digital elements-such as disintegrating trees and microorganisms-visually echo the performance's thematic exploration. The experience poses a profound question: what remains when beauty is shattered?