Based Istanbul x NO presents Self DoubtSónar+D AV Performance
Sunday 2821:00 - 21:45
SonarScreen by Converse by Converse
Allegory of reality, narratives of vibrations, electronic revelations, magnetism of the spiritual, cubic dreams, electronic revelations, feedback memories, absolute loneliness and the endless anxieties of images...

In the veil of infinitely reimagined digital realities, “reproduction”, the belief in possibility and all the rational negative human beings that will be lost... Based Istanbul and No. Studio search for the sense of self behind our beliefs that underpin life. A better me is always possible. But how?

Let's rewind the story a bit, everything that we believe is taking over us right now is actually at the core of our existence. Technology provides a space for discovery. A new space to explore our environment, nature, art, science and even ourselves. Exploration triggers creation and this leads to endless transformation. Are you ready to stay in the game until you find your best version?